
Keepass2android safe
Keepass2android safe

keepass2android safe keepass2android safe

My conclusion, after trying every other system I could find, was that none were yet fully capable of taking over from Handy Safe. Yet, with Symbian in its latter days, the time has definitely come to plan ahead. It's a wonderful system and it's no surprise that Handy Safe Pro is one of the biggest selling Symbian applications ever. Now, my Symbian smartphone continues to largely work as advertised, so Handy Safe Pro (with the PC syncing) still fulfills its duty - entries can be modified on phone or PC and the changes get merged together.

keepass2android safe

* though which now qualifies as 'abandonware', as the developers (Epocware) have stated that the product isn't being developed any further. But I'll bet that most people have some need for such a solution, even if they haven't got round to implementing it yet. With this amount of information, you can see why I'm not keen to copy and paste individual fields and records into a new system, let alone re-type anything! Am I unusual in having this amount of 'secure' information? Quite possibly. Almost 1000 entries in all, amassed over a decade in Handy Safe Pro, an application which started on Symbian, syncs to Windows PCs, and which has made tentative steps onto other platforms*. So, yes, web sites are in the mix, but there's very much more than this. hardware serial numbers and warranty information.bank account details and security answers.You know, all the info that you'd worry about if your phone ever got stolen - how much do you keep in plain text in various documents and contact records? In my case, it's: Sounds grand, but it just means a store for all sorts of private information. But here I'm talking about a 'secure database'. You'll probably be very familiar with the concept of a password manager - Lastpass springs to mind, a system for remembering the passwords you use on multiple web sites. The story so far, from the intro to my earlier piece:

Keepass2android safe